Why "Church" is Important ⛪

What’s the big deal with “church”? I’m not talking about “church” as a non-profit charity or as some building, but as disciples in Christ in local assemblies of God around the world (and some of these meet in buildings and are registered as charities!).

Why should careful thought and consideration be put in regard to the purpose and structure of these gatherings called “church”?

Here’s why: the church directly impacts God’s glory.

Let me explain.

“To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Philippians 4:20)

This verse sums up the goal of God: to be glorified.

On a basic level, this means that God’s goal is for his goodness to be reflected.

But how does this happen? When creation reflects the goodness of God by making it seen and known. This is why creation—including you and I—exist (Gen. 1:26-27; Ps. 19:1; Isa. 43:6-7; 1 Cor. 10:31; etc.)!

All of creation glorifies God, then, at least in a basic way. But sin has marred much of this (Gen. 3; Rom. 3:23). Therefore, there’s a more important and “total” way that God is glorified…

…through the exaltation of Jesus. How does this glorify God? It glorifies God because Jesus is the perfect reflection and representation of God (eJn. 14:8-10; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3). If Jesus is seen, known, worshipped, and followed, then God is therefore glorified.

But how, then, is Jesus exalted most effectively? How is Jesus seen and known?

Being that Jesus is the king of God’s kingdom (Jn. 18:36; Eph. 5:5; Col. 1:13), the extension and advancement of the kingdom of God would exalt king Jesus (Acrs 8:12; 28:31; Rev. 12:10).

How, then, is God’s kingdom extended and advanced on the earth? Through disciples of Jesus making disciples of Jesus (Matt. 28:19). This necessarily means that they are being faithful to declare and demonstrate the kingdom of God.

This finally leads us to the connection with the “church.”

You see, how are disciples encouraged and equipped for proclaiming king Jesus and extending God’s kingdom? The church.

Therefore, the healthier a church is, the healthier and more mature its disciples will be. And mature disciples will advance God’s kingdom, bringing about the exaltation of Jesus.

And when Jesus is exalted, God is glorified.

All this being said, “church” is a big deal. I agree that the “system” of church can sometimes be a hindrance, but church as an assembly of God in Christ Jesus is invaluable to the accomplishment of the goal of God:

His Glory.