What is membership?

Biblical local church membership is a way for you to formally commit yourself to a particular church family—in this case, North Valley Baptist Church. One example of what this means is that you commit to being accountable to others (and keeping them accountable) in terms of your Christian walk.

We believe that the church is the body of Christ—the representation of Jesus on earth. Biblical local church membership helps us keep that representation alive and healthy.

At the same time, our church family is a mixture of formal members and non-members. Spiritually speaking, we recognize that we are all members of the body of Christ.

Why become
a member?

Becoming a member of North Valley Baptist Church provides you the opportunity to go against cultural individualism and commit to a family of believers. This commitment includes, for example, the benefit of formally submitting to elders and pastors whom God has given for your care, encouragement, and spiritual growth.

And since the church is the representation of Jesus on earth, formal membership is a way for you to have your faith affirmed so that you can know that you’re representing Jesus well.

Another benefit of being a member at North Valley Baptist Church is that you have a say in our decisions as a family. Whether the decision is on a new pastor or a change in the budget, you hold a vote along with every other member.

How do i become a member?

Becoming a formal member of North Valley Baptist Church requires:

  1. A genuine faith in Jesus Christ and a belief that he’s saved you from your sins as described in the gospel.

  2. Baptism by immersion—meaning, you have been fully submerged in the water.

  3. An understanding and affirmation of our Statement of Faith.

  4. An understanding and agreement of our church constitution and bylaws (available upon request).

  5. The attendance of our two membership classes that cover membership in much more detail. The classes are recurring throughout the year and can be done privately as well.

  6. An interview with an elder or pastor whereby you give your testimony of conversion.

Upon consideration and prayer between the elders and pastors, as well as a positive vote of approval from the church, you will be accepted into membership.

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